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Continuous Improvement Leadership



Pocket-sized Checklist Generator


You've come to the right place: check!

You can use it for creating great checklists of different types to support your workplace as well as your Lean journey. 

Let's take a tour!

Checklists for safety, productivity, and workflow

It takes minutes to create powerful checklists in my-CI and the benefits are stupendous.  Let's reel them off quickly:

  • Digitized checklists in the workplace - go paperless
  • Improve compliance
  • Keep your people safe
  • Never loose track
  • Great analysis and reports
  • Save money
  • Runs on any smart device

Your checklist creations are limitless! 

With the workflow functionality, you can create checklists for running effective meetings, performing safety checks, or even a booking in-and-out system for your pool cars!  It's almost limitless the amount of paperwork you can shred and never have to use again. Go, go, go, you green warrior!

Checklist Example: Safety and Compliance


Here's a great one for safe work. Keep your people safe and track compliance.


Checklist Example: Simple Workflow


Here's an example of a simple workflow for the carpool!

Checklists to enhance your Go-Look-See

Now it's time to unleash the talented coach that you truly are!  Create some simple Go-Look-See checklists to support you with your new-found kata ways.  You can cover all manner of coaching opportunities, such as:

  • 5S and workplace organization
  • Team Huddle meetings
  • Quality checks
  • Waste walks - get in there!

Checklist Example: Team Huddle  Go-Look-See


Check out this example of a team huddle checklist.

What a great way to get your team involved in understanding workflow, compliance and completing actions.  Let's get everyone involved and see the positive outcome from our checklists.

Checklist Example: 5S Go-Look-See


Or how about this 5S Go-Look-See


Get started in minutes and boost your Lean coaching across the organization.  Use the 5S checklist to provide constructive feedback to your teams.  Bring a passive 5S standard to life with this checklist approach to workplace organisation.

Assessments and audits

Now for the serious stuff.  You can create formal checklists that ensure compliance.   The only constraint is our imagination! And don't worry about the reporting.  Every checklist generates a report for you, see below.

You can stay ahead of the audit team by making this easy for you and your team to stay in control.


Reporting and Analytics

Every checklist generates a report to the person performing the checklist. 

Once you hit the submit button, my-CI generates a PDF report based on the evidence statements and data gathered, packages it all up for you, and lets you do the distribution.

You can access useful data from the database for deeper analysis with your teams.

Capture actions as you Go-Look-See

Don't wait till the end, start capturing actions as you perform the audit/checklist.  With easy-to-use calendars and photos, you can assign actions where needed.

Share the actions with your team and stay on top of the issues.

It's never been easier to be in control of your work.

Share, share, share!

Check out Martha sharing her report with the team.  She's doing some flash stuff with her smartphone and casting to this rather groovy Samsung Flip SmartScreen. This way, everyone is involved in the actions and ownership.

IT Stuff

Trialled and perfected transformation method

GENEO has developed a unique deployment model to accelerate your Lean transformation. Contact us to understand how GENEO can help boost your Lean transformation.

Continual success stories

GENEO continues to grow its business based on the great results we achieve with our clients. No engagement is ever the same, each one presenting a unique set of challenges for our team, challenges that we heartily accept and overcome jointly with our clients.

Leadership training

We are training leaders to make a difference by leading Lean with the appropriate behaviours to make a significant difference to their Continuous Improvement culture. It’s all about people and we are all about people.
Reduce maintenance turnaround time by 50%!
  • TEMPO is a system that has been developed to radically reduce the time taken to perform complex maintenance activities on fixed assets or fleet. It is a simple yet intelligent way of organizing your maintenance activities to complete the maintenance turnaround in half the time.
  • By organizing work sequences for trades/technicians and building critical paths and dependencies, TEMPO quickly highlights lost time opportunities in the overall planned turnaround.
  • Applying standard work instructions with step-by-step guides for process confirmation, TEMPO visualizes real-time progress for short interval control, providing instant decision making to maintain compliance to plan.
  • By using TEMPO to plan and execute complex maintenance turnarounds our clients have achieved 50%+ reduction in downtime, giving a 10%+ improvement in fleet availability.
Reduce maintenance backlog by 60%!
  • Unlock valuable maintenance time and use it to reduce chronic backlogs or stubborn deferred defects.
  • Give technicians more time for proactive interventions.
Improve asset reliability by 18%!
  • Enjoy the knock-on benefit of backlog clearance and proactive activities, improving the reliability of your assets.
Increase continuous improvement engagement by 180%!
  • TEMPO’s easy-to-use Concerns and Ideas capture feature engages technicians in driving improvements that help improve turnarounds, reliability, and availability
  • Identify the classic wastes (transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over processing, over production, defect) in relation to your maintenance activities.
  • Expose supply chain, kitting, resourcing, workplace organization, sequencing, tooling, and planning opportunities for review through TEMPO’s powerful reporting feature.
  • Analyze the hour-by-hour compliance to plan with the associated losses incurred throughout the turnaround event.
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