Texecom has an ambitious plan to improve and GENEO Software is delighted to be a part of it.
Texecom's Operations Director, Brendan Hindle, is taking his war on waste to the next level. The GENEO team has been supporting Texecom with its continuous improvement journey since June of 2022. As the team's enthusiasm for improving the workplace has grown, GENEO has supported the changes with GEN-OPS1 driving standardized work and quality improvements. GEN-OPS1 is the first of the full suite of software platforms to be used. TEMPO and my-CI will be piloted in the coming months.
Taking the full suite of GENEO Software
Brendan has ambitious plans for Texecom and despite the headwinds of rising inflation believes Texecom can continue to drive improvements and customer value. GENEO's role will be to help expose waste using GEN-OPS1 and the creation of standardized work across all operations coupled with the use of my-CI for problem-solving and ideas generation.
GENEO Software has been working closely with Lorraine Haworth, Continuous Improvement Manager, to develop the first pilot of GEN-OPS1. The first task was to create a full job breakdown analysis of tasks on the assembly line before re-balancing the work to Takt for the flow line. Texecom's fast pace of product build and wide-varying customer base is a challenge for most systems to match. Creating a digital twin for Texecom's operations requires detailed Work Element Sheets catering to variants and product changes. Paul Moody and Paul Sharp, production team members from the pilot area, built the Standardised Work with support from Lorraine over the course of the week. Once the digital twin has been mapped using GEN-OPS1, Lorraine and the operations team will start the process of re-balancing using the Yamazumi function and capturing improvements.
We look forward to supporting the Texecom transformation journey going forward and can't wait for the full suite of GENEO software to come into play.
[Brendan Hindle, Operations Director at Texecom]
The full suite of GENEO Software consists of:
GEN-OPS1 - SaaS platform for building and governing brilliant standards. Looking after the full cycle of a standard from cradle to grave and tracking competency.
TEMPO - optimising maintenance and long cycle work
my-CI - a mobile app for leaders to drive Continuous Improvement